A Quick Post on Grad School Fun

Just popping my head out for a minute to write in my regular blog, so y’all will keep reading! Assuming I have anymore words to write.

Yup, it seems that weeks 4-7 in this program will always be the toughest. And man alive am I tired! I have: whacked out 2 blog posts, four pieces on the discussion boards, (including replies) read a 12-hour audio book in three days, (something I’ve never even close to tried before and found exhausting!), and wrote a paper on said book for class. It will go through a number of drafts, thankfully, and the final is due at the end of week 7. I guess it’s not too bad overall, but I know it needs editing.

Despite all that, the vast difference between this experience and last with grad school could not be more pronounced. All of this work, while hard, is actually making me feel more infused with energy and open to writing, as I have to keep banging stuff out whether I feel I “have it” or not. The thought of possible vacations sustains me in the short-term, and my mission to gain more desirable employment powers me from underneath. So just keep wishing me well, and thanks.

Otherwise, not a whole lot. I’m glad to see the back of Winter, of course, though lately I’m not so sure the East coast has gotten the memo. Our low last night was 29, BRRR! I guess I’m just glad that didn’t happen on a worknight.

Also, I still stubbornly continue my pleasure reading, even if at a crawl by last year’s standards. No 50-book challenge. It took me a month to finish my most recent two reads, bringing me up to 8 for the year. But, that’s ok. Any reading will continue to enrich my vocabulary and my background of possibilities from which to write.

And, the fun with Amazon Video and their X-Ray continues. Actually, this proved to be beneficial, as I had to watch a film on which a “Vlog” is due tomorrow, associated with our upcoming chapter on health care communication ethics. I chose Patch Adams, starring Robin Williams. If you haven’t seen that, I recommend it! It’s about a doctor who adopted unusual strategies in treating patients, wanting to forge a greater sense of connection and believing in treating the person rather than the disease. In fact, here’s the YouTube scene I’m going to use in my PowerPoit, (sadly I’m inept in actually embedding it within that medium but want to see if I have more luck here).

I suppose in light of what actually happened to Williams in the end, it was a really sad story and foretelling of his own real difficulties. Still, one of the best movies I’ve ever seen, though the factid under X-Ray said that the real Patch Adams didn’t particularly enjoy it. I’d guess this is because of the over-the-top quality that Hollywood naturally brings to such things, as opposed to how his actual life may have played out.

Anyway, clearly I am still enjoying the work that this program is asking me to do, and that is what I think matters most. It has taken so long to find something that even remotely gets at my real passion, and so I don’t take this for granted.

Well we’ll see what I can bring next week. Till then, let’s have a good one.

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